"Rented Pool"
Our group lessons are for kids aged 5-12 who do not have fear and are ready to level-up their swimming. We have trained coaches who are also excellent instructors. These semi-private and small group lessons are unique in the greater Denver area. We are outcomes focused, and treat each week with the importance it needs for swimmers to make progress consistently. We focus on safety, but also quickly move to technique work to ensure excellent swimming for years to come.
Please check the level details to make sure your swimmer is enrolled into the correct level. New to swim lessons? Otters is the place to start! We offer lessons in Wheat Ridge and Central Park.
Early Swimmers: Ages 5-6
3:1 Swimmer to Coach Ratio
25 minutes
Prerequisites: Your swimmer . . .
-Is comfortable in the water
-Has no fear upon entry
-Is eager to swim
-Is willing to wear goggles
-Has the ability to focus and engage with the instructor
By the end of Tiny Turtles, your swimmer should be able to . . .
-Float on stomach, unassisted, for 5 seconds
-Float on back, unassisted, for 15 seconds
-15 consecutive bobs with appropriate breath control
-Swim float swim the length of 25-yard pool using arm strokes that clear the surface of the water
-Kick across a 25 yard pool on their back.
-Flutter kick on back 25 yards
-Breaststroke kick on back 15 yards
-Dolphin kick on front or back for 15 yards
-Jump in pool unassisted, get to a floating position, swim back to the wall
-Retrieve items from bottom of pool
Early Swimmers: Ages 7-9
3:1 Swimmer to Coach Ratio
30 minutes
Prerequisites: Your swimmer . . .
-Is comfortable in the water
-Has no fear upon entry
-Is eager to swim
-Is willing to wear goggles
-Has the ability to focus and engage with the instructor
By the end of Big Turtles, your swimmer should be able to . . .
-Float on stomach, unassisted, for 5 seconds
-Float on back, unassisted, for 15 seconds
-15 consecutive bobs with appropriate breath control
-Swim float swim the length of 25-yard pool using arm strokes that clear the surface of the water
-Kick across a 25 yard pool on their back.
-Flutter kick on back 25 yards
-Breaststroke kick on back 15 yards
-Dolphin kick on front or back for 15 yards
-Jump in pool unassisted, get to a floating position, swim back to the wall
-Retrieve items from bottom of pool
Emerging Swimmers: Ages 6-11
4:1 Swimmer to Coach Ratio
40 minutes
Prerequesites: Your swimmer should be able to . . .
-Float on stomach, unassisted, for 5 seconds
-Float on back, unassisted, for 15 seconds
-15 consecutive bobs with appropriate breath control
-Swim float swim the length of 25-yard pool using arm strokes that clear the surface of the water
-Kick across a 25 yard pool on their back.
-Flutter kick on back 25 yards
-Breaststroke kick on back 15 yards
-Dolphin kick on front or back for 15 yards
-Jump in pool unassisted, get to a floating position, swim back to the wall
-Retrieve items from bottom of pool
By the end of Starfish 1, your swimmer will be able to. . .
-Swim freestyle for at least 25 yards with side breathing and consistent kick
-Flutter kick on back in a streamline for 25 yards
-Swim backstroke for at least 25 yards with consistent kick.
-Swim 50 yards without stopping in any mode of propulsion
-Breaststroke kick for 25 yards
-Swim with breaststroke arms and flutter kick for 25 yards
-Dolphin kick for 25 yards
-Dive into the water from a kneeling position with assistance, as needed
-Get out of the pool without a ladder
-Tread water for 1 minute
Emerging Swimmers: Ages 6-11
4:1 Swimmer to Coach Ratio
40 minutes
Prerequesites: Your swimmer should be able to . . .
-Swim freestyle for at least 25 yards with side breathing and consistent kick
-Flutter kick on back in a streamline for 25 yards
-Swim backstroke for at least 25 yards with consistent kick.
-Swim 50 yards without stopping in any mode of propulsion
-Breaststroke kick for 25 yards
-Swim with breaststroke arms and flutter kick for 25 yards
-Dolphin kick for 25 yards
-Dive into the water from a kneeling position with assistance, as needed
-Get out of the pool without a ladder
-Tread water for 1 minute
By the end of Starfish 2, your swimmer will be able to . . .
-Swim 50 yards with proficient strokes without stopping
-Swim freestyle with side breathing for at least -50 yards without stopping
-Swim backstroke 50 yards without stopping
-Swim breaststroke 25 yards
-Swim Butterfly 25 yards
-Dive off side of pool (standing or kneeling) and get to the other side of the diving well
-Somersault underwater
Proficient Swimmers: Ages 9-12
4:1 Swimmer to Coach Ratio
40 minutes
Prerequisites: Your swimmer should be able to…
-Swim 50 yards with proficient strokes without stopping
-Swim freestyle with side breathing for at least 50 yards without stopping
-Swim backstroke 50 yards without stopping
-Swim breaststroke 25 yards
-Swim Butterfly 25 yards (use of fins as needed)
-Dive off side of pool (standing or kneeling) and get to the other side of the diving well
-Somersault underwater
By the end of Narwhals, your swimmer will be able to . . .
-Swim 100 yards with proficient strokes without stopping
-Swim freestyle for 50 yards without stopping
-Swim backstroke 50 yards without stopping
-Swim breaststroke for 50 yards
-Swim butterfly 50 yards (use of fins as needed)
-Dive off side while maintaining streamline
-Somersault into the wall & push off
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